Hangzhou Ready – Heart to Heart, @ Future




It was Gloomy, Cloudy & Wet as we landed in Hangzhou, the third host city of the Asian Games in mainland China. It is the capital as well as the most populous city of Zhejiang. Situated at the head of the Hangzhou Bay which separates Shanghai & Ningbo & sitting in an area as the southern terminus of the Grand Canal. It is also a major economic & e-commerce hub within China in the Yangtze Delta. The over a billion inhabitants are proud to be a part of a major city for scientific research in the Asia Pacific in addition to being an UNESCO World Heritage Site in the form of the West Lake. In the distant past, the city was known as the City of Heaven. In the recent past, it is called the Paradise on Earth. The popular saying is : be born in Suzhou, eat in Guangzhou, die in Liuzhou but live in Hangzhou – for it’s lush scenery. Hangzhou is the 03rd city to host the Asian Games in mainland China. The Olympic Council of Asia together with the Chinese National Olympic Committee is striving to achieve one hefty goal the Games to be fondly remembered as the one that went Green, from start to finish.

Hangzhou is a GO for many reasons. The city is ready to host the smart & safe Asian Games with the highest number of athletes participating in history. Prepare to be dazzled as the biggest & best by far sporting extravaganza in Asia, with record participation levels & a message of inclusiveness at it’s core, will raise the bar for the global sports community. The Asian Games for all is billed to be a shining beacon of beauty & an eventful affair. Thriving rivalries, testing times & time to shine for the sporting community of Asia.

The emblem – Surging Tides, the torch – Eternal Flames, the medal – Shan Sgui, the mascots – Memories of Jiangnan, the core graphics – Meeting the World, the colour system – Harmony of Colours. Landscapers have strived to ensure an even greener Games.

So now, let us all enjoy & celebrate the Games

Report assisted by NOC Media
Visuals by Thusith Wijedoru & Namal Silva

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Report assisted by NOC Media
Visuals by Thusith Wijedoru & Namal Silva